Friday, December 14

We're #14!

So one of the 6:00 news headlines on RTE1 (Irish radio)that the US and Canada are currently tied for the Avaaz "Fossil of the Year" award marking the nations doing the most to block climate change progress.

My first problem with this is that we're sharing the award. Come on, we can be more obstinate, backwards, and selfish than those hosers upstairs, right? Go, Team Bush! I mean, we're even behind them in greenhouse gas emission. Canada is ranked #12 for per capita greenhouse gas emissions in 2000, while the US comes in at #14. Now, I know all you SUV driving, jet-setting, forest-harvesters out there are doing your part. Be good little consumers and buy one more airline ticket, won't you? We can beat 'em! Then we can catch up to those Aussies (#9) and someday, if we work really really hard, beat out the beautiful, peaceful lands of the United Arab Emirates for #5 or better. (warning: the previous paragraph contains levels of sarcasm rated unhealthy by the USDA.)

My second problem was that I heard about this first on Irish radio. We see pix of Gore in the newspaper (page 3) pointing to the US delegation (we assume) and shaking his finger. We hear on NPR that the US is now playing nicey and that the European Union won't come to the Bush Administration's version of the climate-change sandbox unless the US commits to some real numbers. He'll make "substantial" cuts in emissions guidelines. (but won't substantiate them) and "negotiate a framework to seek a replacement" to maybe start to think about forming some groups to start talking about reducing the amount of crap we're throwing into the water and air.

No. Cut carbon emissions now. Enforce EPA standards and improve them. Now. We don't have any more time to screw around. And if it makes any difference, we're still worse polluters than the UK.

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